Sabbath Morning Services
Welcome to our faith-based, Seventh-day Adventists Christian community. We love God and we want that to be apparent in everything we do. Please join us for worship every Saturday at: 575 Main St. Malden, MA. Our Adult service runs from 9:00 am to 12:30 am. Followed by our Fresh Bread service from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Our doors are always open.
About Our Church
Our mission at the Philadelphie Seventh-day Adventist Church is to bring people to faith in a higher power, raise them up in that faith, and then send them out to share the faith through their areas of influence…

Meet Our Pastor
Grace and Peace Be Unto You from God Our Father!
July 17, 2021 is an exciting year as Philadelphie, Seventh-day Adventiste in Malden, Massachusetts, with its potential for growth, its parishioners, and friends embark upon a new outreach with Dr. Serge F. Lamour. This is going to be a challenging time but yet fulfilling to support through the ongoing pandemic and after.
I, with my heart for mission, an administrator, a leader, and a counselor, a pastor who loves to study and teach the word of God and present it boldly in a clear and an understandable manner, am particularly proud to lead this church that has been able to respond directly to the needs of our community.
As a person who loves and enjoys people; able to relate well to a variety of different people in a sincere and humble way; a servant-leader who can lead by my own example; able to discern the particular needs of individuals in the flock and provide them with the requisite pastoral care; delegate pastoral care responsibilities among my fellow Elders and other gifted individuals within the congregation; willing to warn, admonish, rebuke and correct as this becomes necessary for the church as a whole or for individual members who need these ministries – will display these characteristics and exceptional skills.
As we are lifting up the kingdom of God and its righteousness with the common vision to developing Godly families by encouraging and equipping those in the church with a gift and heart for these ministries, I am more than elated to be the seating Pastor of this church and I won’t let anything separate me from the love of Christ and this unique congregation.
Let’s push together through this new era and beyond to individually and collectively host this powerful ministry!
Prayer, hospitality, solid bible teachings, worship are the four legs that will hold the church and give a starting point room for the Holy Spirit to work, and for the word to be proclaimed. All this because of Calvary, the blood that was shed for our salvation, and the blessed hope in the imminent return of our Savior, Jesus-Christ!
Thank you for visiting this site week after week!
Join a Ministry
We have several very active ministries at Philadelphie Church. From Youth, Children, Families, Men & Women ministries, Dorcas, Prison, Etc… We can use your help. Join with us in doing the Lord’s work.

Need a Place to Worship?
If you’re looking for a place to worship in the greater Boston area, you have come to the right place. We have an early morning service in English. Followed by a midday service in Haitian Creole and French.
We are located at 575 Main St. Malden. We welcome you with all our hearts. info: 781.397.9143 |
Have Children?
We have programs for your children from toddler until they graduate to our Pathfinder Club.
Get Connected
We have several ministries that you can join to serve, or access to be served. Talk with us: 781.397.9143 |
Service Times
English Service every Sabbath 9:15-10:30 AM | Service en Francais & Creole tous les Samedis de 10:30am à 1:00pm | Wednesday Night service: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Our Mission & Vision
At Phili we’re experiencing God’s eternal mercy
Our mission is to bring people to faith in God through Christ, raise them up in that faith, and then send them out to share the good news in their field of influence. Seventh-day Adventists affirm the Bible as God’s infallible revelation of His will, accepting its authority in the life of the Church and of each believer, and the Bible’s foundational role for faith and doctrine. We believe that it’s the Holy Spirit that transforms lives and equips people with abilities to advance God’s kingdom in this world.
Watch Our Services Live
We are Live on YouTube every Sabbath. Click LiveStream button below to join…

Family Life Ministry
We are dedicated to strengthening relationships and empowering ministry leaders and churches in their work with families. Family Ministries focuses on people in relationship. It is a ministry that provides tools to help individuals communicate more effectively, deepen...
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